Falling leaves and cozy retreats

As a chill arrives in the air, it's at this time of the year we should be celebrating home and all those we love inside!  Take a break from the flurry of activity and why not consider a charming meal for two when the kids are out for the night?  Ralph Lauren's beautiful vignette by the fireplace is my inspiration.  Pull up your cozy chairs and use a side table for an intimate dinner.  Light the candles in a shining glass hurricane and don't forget some wonderful tartan napkins by your fall dishes.  And maybe if you've got a wee bit of time, add a lick of chic 'off black' paint to your hallway doors to add some drama.   Here are a few pieces you can snag to re-create the moment at your own home!

Source: www.housebeautiful.com/entertaining/table-...